Interest Rates!

Deposit Interest Rates

Sr. No Period Interest Rates Sinior Citizen
1. 30 days to 45 days 4.00% 4.50%
2. 46 days to 90 days 5.00 % 5.50%
3. 91 days to 180 days 5.25 % 5.75 %
4. 181 days to 365 days 6.00 % 6.50 %
5. 13 months to 24 months 7.00 % 7.50 %
6. 25 months to 60 months 7.25 % 7.75 %
7. 61 months to 120 months 7.00 % 7.50 %
8. Damduppat 118 Months 116 Months

0.15% Extra Interest Benefit to Super Senior Citizen Customer (Age 80 yrs above)

Recurring Deposit (R.D)

Sr. No Period Interest Rates
1. 1 Year 6.00 %
2. 1 To 3 Years 6.50 %
3. 3 To 10 Years 7.00 %

Loan Interest Rates

For all kind of Loan processing fee is 0.5%

Loan Type Interest Rates
Hypothication 10.50 %
Loan Against Property 13 %
loan against Gold & Silver 10.50 %
Warehouse Receipt Loan 11 %
Industrial Loan 11 %
Surity Loan 15 %
Clean Cash Security 15 %
Working Capital Term Loan 12.50 %
House Loan 9.00 %
House Loan(Commercial) 11.00 %
Term Loan 11.00 %
Vehicle Loan
Car Loan
Two Wheeler
Commercial Vehicle

Hire Purchase 12 %
Installment Loan 13.50 %
Education Loan
Education Loan For Girl